BROCK MÜLLER ZIEGENBEIN’s clients in the area of commercial and distribution law are primarily industrial and commercial enterprises. We draft and review contracts in the area of commercial agency, authorised dealer law and franchise and licensing law, taking into account the provisions of European law, particularly with regard to antitrust matters. We represent and advise German and foreign manufacturers and authorised dealers in connection with compensation claims from commercial agents or authorised dealers following the end of contractual relationships. In addition, we draw up terms and conditions which are tailored to the needs of the specific company.
born 1983, university studies in Passau, admitted as attorney in 2011, Certified Specialist for employment law, notary since 2018
Specialisation: Employment law, trade and corporate law, distribution law
Dr Max Wellenreuther advises and represents companies, including their shareholders and executive bodies, mainly regarding employment law and trade and corporate law.
Turning firstly to employment law, Dr Wellenreuther advises employers as well as members of executive bodies (management boards, managing directors) on aspects of individual and collective employment law, while representing them out of court and in judicial proceedings. His specific focus here is on advising companies on business restructuring and transactions.
On matters of trade and corporate law, Dr Wellenreuther advises entrepreneurs and companies on the formation of private and public limited companies, drafting of contracts, and on disputes.
Dr Wellenreuther has been a lecturer at the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences since 2015.