We offer our clients tailored advice in all areas connected to compliance.
We typically begin by analysing the risk areas identified by the client. This includes collecting details of the company’s current internal compliance regulations and assessing client-specific risks with regard to antitrust law, employment law, data protection and anti-corruption. Together with our clients we develop, structure and implement a Compliance Management System (CMS) on the basis of this risk analysis. A typical CMS includes establishment of a compliance organisation with appropriate response scenarios and reporting structures, development of a risk matrix including checks adapted to the specific risks, and design of training including preparation for possible inspections.
We support and regularly take over the performance of extensive internal investigations. Our work in this regard is assisted by our long-standing experience in conducting interviews and IT-supported data analysis.
One thing our consultancy services focus on is offering strategic advice to executive managers concerning the legal requirements to which they are subject on account of continually expanding legal and judicial requirements.