M&A company acquisitions.

Advising clients on the purchase and sale of companies and shares is one of the areas our firm specialises in. We believe that it is our job to ensure the best possible structuring, organisation and negotiation of the transaction. To achieve this, we collaborate with consultants from other disciplines and ensure we understand your language, whether in relation to structured sales processes with multiple bidders or more traditional sales processes.

Where required, we can put together teams of specialist attorneys who will assist with the relevant tasks – for example, in the area of antitrust law, employment law, IT law or property law. This applies in particular to the due diligence phase for company acquisitions, but also to reorganisations under company law.


Dr. Markus Jurawitz

Secretary’s Office:
Henrijette Grüssel
+49 431 97918-38

born 1990, university studies in Tübingen, funded by Germany’s National Scholarship Programme, postgraduate judicial service training in Stuttgart (with postgraduate studies at DUV Speyer), admitted as attorney in 2018

Specialisation: Trade and corporate law, M&A, compliance

Markus Jurawitz mainly advises companies with regard to transactions and restructuring. In addition to this, he advises companies and their shareholders in the area of general corporate law and in developing contractual relationships. In the area of compliance, Mr Jurawitz provides counsel on matters relating to companies’ anti-money laundering obligations (e.g. requirement to notify the transparency register). Prior to joining BROCK MÜLLER ZIEGENBEIN, Mr Jurawitz was part of a law firm in Stuttgart specialising in shareholder litigation and liability of executive bodies.

Memberships: Academic Association for Corporate and Company Law (VGR) e.V.

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