Trademark law.

Industrial property rights and a company’s name are often decisive for a company’s value. The extensive consultancy services we offer in this area encompass trademarks, company names, titles and other identifiers as well as registered designs. We assist with trademark registration within German and international jurisdictions.

In the event of a dispute, BROCK MÜLLER ZIEGENBEIN develops concepts for the enforcement of rights or to defend against rights infringements and represents clients in any related legal proceedings and processes connected with the national and international trademark offices.


Dr. Matthias Waack

Secretary’s Office:
Franziska Lunau
Notary’s Office:
Ulrike Wienmeister, Rossella Bentien, Alexander Fackler
+49 451 70289-40

born 1974, university studies in Rostock, admitted as attorney in 2005, Certified Specialist for trade and corporate law, notary since 2018

Specialisation: Trade and corporate law, insolvency law and litigation

Dr Matthias Waack’s work focuses on trade and corporate law, as well as civil and insolvency litigation.

His clients mainly comprise small and medium-sized enterprises and individuals whom Dr Waack represents on all business law matters both out of court and in judicial proceedings, and he also advises on contract drafting. Besides this, Dr Matthias Waack advises and represents clients on all insolvency-related matters, such as those regarding management liability, insolvency disputes, or asserting their rights as insolvency or unsecured creditors.

Dr Waack spent nine years with a law firm in Schleswig-Holstein specialising in insolvency administration, where he concentrated on providing representation both in and out of court as part of insolvency actions for and against administrators.


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